On November 3, Maurizio Zannier inaugurates the first workshop for the production of third-party underwear in Edolo.
First men & women Emmedi underwear collection takes shape, targeting the wholesale channel.
The first facility is opened in Sonico, Val Camonica, and becomes the company's headquarters.
The intuition that will have a long life is born: the Cotonella brand is established.
The first Cotonella store opens in Malonno for employees and the local community.
Cotonella enters the large-scale retail market. First customer.

Anna Valle wins Miss Italia. Cotonella is sponsor of the competition and continues to do so for many years.
Cotonella chooses Albania for its first overseas production facility. The first Shape collection is presented in Vienna.
Cotonella grows and transforms into a joint-stock company.
Cotonella Lab introduces Magliapiuma, its first innovation. The primary material is the precious long-fiber Makò cotton, still a best-seller today.
Continuous quality improvement efforts are recognized with ISO 9000 certification from BVQI. It will be the first of many.
"L’Altra Cotonella" brand is born and registered, becoming a significant presence in the wholesale market in both Italy and abroad.
Cotonella enters the market of men's and women's pajamas with the new brand Cotonella Nightwear.
Cotonella's international expansion makes rapid progress, establishing significant marketing relationships with China, later extended to India.
Scutari production facility in Albania inaugurates a modern fabric cutting laboratory and becomes the international logistics hub for Cotonella.

The first Cotonella Outlet stores open in Valdichiana (Tuscany) and Franciacorta (Lombardy).
Cotonella's underwear is now available online. The new e-commerce platform marks the beginning of the company's multichannel strategy.
30th November. Cotonella's central headquarters in Sonico is destroyed by fire. Operations are moved to the nearby facility in Malonno.
12th May. Cotonella's new headquarters in Sonico is ready made mainly of wood in order to follow an architecturally sustainable project.
New lines, collections, and brands join the Cotonella family. L’Intimo Naturale and Première Classe are born, representing the high-end range for both men and women, including the Invisible collection.

First CSR initiative of Cotonella, in partnership with Fondazione Veronesi, for supporting breast cancer research.
The presentation space for Cotonella products evolves into a shop-in-shop concept, with the first dedicated areas in Italy and abroad featuring new seasonal collections and the Purity line. Cotonella is increasingly recognized as Natural by Design.
50 years of history